Matteo BarbieriinGeek Culturetmux, oh-my-zsh and aliases: 3 tips to suck less at Unix terminalThe unix terminal has plenty of powerful tools to make your life much easier: here’s a choice!Jun 21, 20212Jun 21, 20212
Matteo BarbieriinTowards Data ScienceRuining Sudoku — A Data Science project (Part 4: Deployment and retro)The fourth and final article of the “Ruining Sudoku” series, where we discuss how to package your code in a web app using Docker.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Matteo BarbieriinTowards Data ScienceRuining Sudoku — A Data Science project (Part 3: Digits recognition and Sudoku solver)How to implement a digits recognizer that _actually_ works in real life and not only on the training set. F*** you, MNIST!Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Matteo BarbieriinTowards Data ScienceRuining Sudoku — A Data Science project (Part 2: Data Preprocessing)The second of a series of articles dedicated to how to use Data Science as an excuse to annoy an unpleasant relative!Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
Matteo BarbieriinTowards Data ScienceRuining Sudoku — A Data Science project (Part 1: Introduction and Project Design)Everybody loves Sudoku, it brings joy to people. Let me show you how to fix that with AIOct 12, 20201Oct 12, 20201
Matteo BarbieriWhy MNIST is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanityIt’s the gateway drug to CNNs and Deep Learning, but it teaches a dangerously wrong lesson: unrealistically optimistic expectations.Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020